岩田市,2021年11月9日-雅马哈汽车有限公司(东188BET金宝搏下载京:7272)雷克萨斯今天宣布,其雅马哈性能阻尼器(一种汽车底盘振动阻尼器)已被选用于10月7日正式宣布的最新一代雷克萨斯NX系列跨界suv (450h+/350h/350 F SPORT车型装饰)。2014年推出的第一代雷克萨斯NX采用了雅马哈性能阻尼器,这标志着该系列的继续使用。
When driving, a car’s chassis is constantly subjected to minute, sub-1 mm body deformations. As the chassis is an assembly of multiple spring and elastic parts and components, there is little damping force at work and these deforming forces accumulate mostly unchecked, causing a repeating cycle of deformations at its natural frequency. To counteract this, the Performance Damper introduces a damping element to the chassis, absorbing deformation forces and dissipating them as thermal energy. This inhibits the effect of excessive deformation speeds on the vehicle body, thereby providing both excellent driving performance and stability at everyday speeds as well as at high speeds, when chassis deformation is comparatively larger. This results in not only enhanced handling stability but also greater levels of comfort.